Fetching your Tinder data is a walk in the park, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to https://account.gotinder.com/data—your command center away from the app.
2. Sign in with the same Facebook, Google account, or phone number you've used on Tinder.
3. Hit 'Download my information'.
4. Pop in your email address twice for verification. Tinder will email your data here.
5. Click 'Submit' and take a bow—you've initiated the request.
6. Stand by, because Tinder will whisk that email to your inbox any moment now.
Ready for the next phase? We can't wait to see you back here!
If days have slipped by and you've now got that much-awaited email—what's next?
7. Open Tinder's message and click the download link within 24 hours. Time is of the essence!
8. Log back in to Tingle - err, Tinder - and voila! Your data will download instantly.
9. Upload the myData.zip file to Tinder Insights without unzipping it, and let's roll out those infographics!
Excited to learn more about your Tinder usage?
We're just as thrilled to show you. Dive back into TinderWrapped and let's create something special together!